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Bronx, New York, United States



Hey! Hello!

Yes its me and I'm back! So stop the track & let me state facts!

I apologize to those who have come on my most beloved blog and have found themselves viewing the same thing for the past 14 days or so. I've just been so busy dealing with a fashion show me and my best friend help to coordinate annually but most importantly getting my life in check. Shes just been everywhere and I'm slowly feeling like I"m loosing myself in the mix; & that's never good a good feeling. Its O.K though! I don't blame myself for innocently letting the very firmly held grip I had on reality slip. I thank the higher being in my life for providing me with the mentality I posses and the people that surround me for keeping me grounded when I felt I was floating off into never ever land.

I've just been telling myself lately "O.K Ozzy it's now time for you to leave behind your sluggish ways and get what u want and deserve in life." My mom asking "So...what DO! you want to be when you grow up?..." pushed me further into a mental slump trying to decide now how to get started. Nonetheless I appreciate her unconventional push/slap/reminder/wake up call. *giggle* Trust me your going to open a magazine one day and see my name rite under/above the Fashion Editor slot.