Today was an entertaining Saturday. Me and my gurls lol a.k.a Jodie, & Christian accompanied my best friend Eddie to the barbershop on my block. It was entertaining because Eddie usually refuses to attend a "Spanish Barbershop" by himself. Throughout the whole day I was awaiting a "surprise" package from my significant other. When I finally received the package I was extremely content & surprised to find out it was a very well though out bouquet of flowers with a Alaska white teddy bear attached and the sweetest and most straight to the point note Ive ever read. I had to take 3 deeps breaths to stop myself from breaking down into tears of excitement and happiness. I don't know if you, my reader, has had a moment in which u realize that somebody in your life honestly took time out of their day to think about u and your feelings and that one of their daily gaols is to make u smile. Well that was the kind of moment I went through on the train ride home to my best friends apartment.